“TEENAGE PREGNANCY: ITS EFFECT ON EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS AND OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUTH IN MARAMAG, BUKIDNON “ SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusion drawn, and the recommendations offered. Summary This study attempted to answer the question related to the effect of teenage pregnancy on educational development of students and out-of-school youth in Maramag, Bukidnon. Firstly, this study endeavored to identify perception of the respondents on the causes of teenage pregnancy in terms of the following factors: the family, with a mean of 4.13, the respondents agreed that their parents are not open about the use of contraceptives at home; the levels of educational attainment of parents is low and the income is not enough to support the family. The respondents also agreed that parents don’t talk about consequences of plan or unplanned indulgence of sex. Secondly, this study attempted to find out the causes of teenage pregnancy as perceived by the respondents in terms of community factor. The findings showed that the respondents agreed to all indicators stated in the questionnaire. A self-made questionnaire was employed to gather data of the study. Average Weighted Mean was used to find out the extent of teenage pregnancy among the respondents. T-test was also used to test the significant difference of the extent of the educational development when respondents were grouped according to age, educational attainment, type of school attended and the socio economic status of the family. Step-wise regression analysis was used to analyze which among the causes of teen-age pregnancy greatly affect the respondent’s educational development. Click the parts of Chapter 5;
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